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Info Night !

Come and hear about our 5 year plan!


During her trip to Malawi this Fall, Julie met with key leaders and village chiefs as well as groups of women, men, youth, boys & girls. Together they discussed how Love a Village can help the people of Luhomero move toward self-sufficiency over the next 5 years.


Join us to learn how you can make a difference! 

Thursday, November 26, 2015

@ Trinity Grace Church

826 Eglinton Ave East

     (previously called Leaside Bible Chapel)

7:00 pm

Launch Party - Foundation & Cornerstone Set In Place

Julie Seath - September 17, 2015


Wow! What an incredible evening. There were about 100 of us gathered to celebrate the beginnings of Love a Village. Family, friends as far back as High School, and even people we had not yet met. Absolutely incredible!


There is so much to share about that night.


Click on the buttons below to read the stories of God's goodness.




Launch Party!


We'd LOVE to celebrate with you!


Whether you're new to Love a Village or have been supporting us or our teams over the years, we'd like to thank you & invite you to celebrate with us!  

Saturday, September 12, 2015

@ The Peoples Church

     - Founders Hall

6:00 pm

Childhood Marriage Hits Close to Home

Julie Seath - July 4, 2015


While in Malawi this May, I learned a friend from Luhomero had married. I was heartbroken. She is only 16. Her new husband is 23. I visited the newlyweds along with our friend Daniel who translated. 


Here's some of our conversation: 


When did you meet? - Last year in August.

When did you get married? - This February.

Where are you living? - With (his) parents.

To her: Are you in school? - No.

To her: Do you plan on going back to school? - No.

To her: What grade did you complete? - Grade 4.

Do you plan on having children? Yes!

To him: Are you working? - Yes. I run a bicycle taxi here in the village.

How will you support yourselves? - We will get jobs.

What are your dream jobs? - Him: To run a business.  Her: To run a business.

What kind of business? - Him: A supplies store.  Her: A stand on the side of the road.

How will you start these businesses? - Silence.


It's hard to see people you love slipping into a future of poverty. 


These stories unfold every day. Countless families cannot pay mandatory school fees as they earn so little doing unskilled work. Only the educated can get better paying jobs. It's a vicious cycle. 


Love a Village is empowering villagers to complete their schooling. Our projects help families stay healthy and improve household finances. Even a modest increase in income can make a life-changing difference. We also help girls overcome the barriers they face to stay in school. And we're developing a scholarship program to allow donors to invest directly in education. Stay tuned for more information. 


For more on the problem of childhood marriage, check out the articles below.


March 2014 - Toronto Star (Julie Seath's sister, Sarah Hendriks has been quoted in this article)

Malawi child brides: Married at 15


June 2015 - Nyasa Times

Malawi Chief terminates 300 teenage marriage, enrols them back in school

 What a great day!

Julie Seath - June 29, 2015


A time to celebrate! Today we received 2 incredible emails!


1. Long time friends of ours have chosen to support us monthly! I sat gobsmacked as I read the email that told us of the generosity of our friends. We haven't seen them in years! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

2. Friends have donated through The Great Canadian Giving Challenge where "every dollar you donate, you automatically enter your chosen charity to win a $10,000 donation."  Can you imagine!?!?


Your generosity brings a mix of emotions of happy tears and excitement as I sit back and think of all that can be done in Malawi through you! There's so much we can do when we work together as a body. PRAISE GOD! 

Our first donation! 

Julie Seath - June 22, 2015


Teachers! They keep on giving! Trevor and I were blessed with some fantastic teachers when we were in school together. Some of these teachers have now become friends. And some we are reconnecting with - thank you Facebook! 


Two of our teachers we have reconnected with have been prayerfully supporting us and now have given us our first official Love a Village Mission donation. We are absolutely thrilled! From teaching us how to learn in school to now, teaching us how to give, your lessons continue! Teachers ROCK!!

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