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Prayer Team


As God has called us to trust Him in a deeper way in 2016, there is an opportunity for you to join us on our faith adventure. 


It is essential that we pray continually (1 Thessalonians 5:17). If you are able to commit to praying with us, for our friends in Malawi and the needs of Love a Village as we move forward to meet needs & share Jesus' love, simply email us and we will add you to our Prayer Team. 


We will share items of praise. And as specific needs come up, we'll let you know how He's inviting us to trust Him in prayer. 


If you've read Julie's recent "What?! No more fundraising?" email, you'll know that Love a Village will not be appealing for donations as we've done so far on our (still short) journey. Having said that, we will be asking God to meet our need for funds. If you're on our Prayer Team, we'll invite you to pray along with us for these needs (as well as others of course). We say this because we want to assure that this isn't some kind of a secret way of asking for Prayer Team members to give. We are trusting God to provide funds through people He directs to get involved. But we would like to have people praying along with us for those people God is directing.


We're expecting God to do amazing things as we petition Him together.


Why not join us for the adventure? 

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