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Do you have any of the following

on your Wish List this year?

• Water

• Food

• Roofing

• Toilet

Honour someone this Christmas

with a gift that

• reaches around the world

• benefits someone who has nothing

• brings hope for the future

✓  Family

✓  Friend

✓ Teacher

✓  Co-worker

✓  Secret Santa

Please email us the Name, Email & Mailing Address of the person the gift is for.

An email will be sent to them, indicating that they will receive a card by mail about your gift.

Water is our most basic need to live, and is one of our most expensive projects! Villagers travel 3 to 5 times a day, up to 1.5 hours each trip, to fetch clean water for cooking, drinking, washing and bathing. This water is more often than not, from a dirty stream, or from an unprotected hand dug hole. Our communities are scattered among a low-lying mountain ranges, making it very difficult to dig through the rock, and requires expensive machinery to do the job. Your contribution helps us bore through this rock to access clean life giving water for our village friends.  

click image for more info

video: @mackenzieseath


Contribute towards cost of $10,000 each

Traditional farming practices of burning the land and using fertilizer, if it can be afforded, robs the soil of nutrients, is time consuming, and costly. Training farmers in Conservation Agriculture educates farmers in composting, crop rotation, seed preservation and more! Educating a farmer provides a nutritious future for families, and allows more time for children to attend school, providing them with an opportunity of education! 

click image for more info

video: @julieseath

photo: @mackenzieseath

$50 per farmer

Your gift will provide a family with 3 Chickens or 3 Guinea Fowl, giving families food and protein-rich eggs. The offspring of these gifts also provide income, giving families the money to access medical care, education, and clothing. 

click image for more info

video: coming soon - being shot live on location


$25 each

Your gift will provide a family with 2 goats or a pig, providing families with food and income. The sale of offspring means that a family can pay for essentials like clothing, education, toilets and more!  

click image for more info

video: @julieseath


$75 each

This gift gives a group of villages 10 beehives to keep and care for.  Bees are imperative to keeping plants pollinated, and the honey and wax produced allows villagers to earn income, meaning they can provide their families with food, medical access, education and more! 


click image for more info

video: @khezzie

photo: @danielnyirenda


Trees are essential for keeping mountainsides from eroding, and riverbeds from drying up. Gifting a village with these fruit trees provides nutritious snacks necessary to bring a balance in their diets and allows for excess fruits to be sold, providing income to families for everyday household necessities.  

click image for more info

video: coming soon - being shot live on location



Providing a family with a roof will keep them dry during the rainy season, and healthy by keeping pests and rodents away. 

click image for more info

video: coming soon - being shot live on location

photo: @julieseath​

~ $350/roof

Almost half of Malawi's population to not have safe sanitation - nowhere to go privately or in a clean way. Imagine your family's first toilet!! Complete with the treat of a concrete pedestal seat to sit on! No more squatting over a hole in the ground. Each toilet given to a village family is a MUST in keeping families healthy. Safe sanitation is a human right an is a global crisis. Let's give a poop together!

click image for more info

video: @mackenzieseath



The importance of investing in girls and young women cannot be expressed adequately enough! Giving girls the knowledge and skills (like sewing) needed to help them with hygiene, empowers them and nurtures invaluable confidence that enables them to escape extreme poverty. Teaching them the skill of sewing, allows them to sew their own reusable menstrual pads, and other products like reusable bags that they can sell for income, enabling them to become part of the economy of their community.


click image for more info

video: @mackenzieseath

photo: @mackenzieseath

Have you ever thought about making your gift stretch over an entire year, or thought of giving a gift in honour of someone you cared for? A little each month goes a long way in helping us direct funds where they are most needed throughout the year. Gifts as small as $10 a month can make a huge difference! Become a monthly donor and make your gift count every month!   


click image for more info

video: @mackenzieseath

photo: @mackenzieseath

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